A Little About Us……

So, we have been best friends for over 30 years. We worked together when we were a lot younger and had this little pipe dream that we would open a shop selling just cat things or piggy things (I like cats, Vicki likes pigs). For a lot of years it has been our little joke. We have grown together, had our families at the same time, been busy working mums but always have stayed in touch and never quite lost our little dream.

Over coffee and cake about 18 months ago we hatched a crackpot idea that we should make a bunch of stuff and do a Christmas craft fair….just for fun! So Nutty Birds was born! We didn’t give ourselves a lot of time, literally a couple of weeks and turned up with an assortment of things we had made at a little village hall and made about £40. We were quite surprised. So the idea developed and we thought we would do a couple more, which we did last year. We have had more people ask us to do things and so thought an online shop would be a good idea.

We both have an enormous sense of humour, love to be creative and are having fun making things. It is a bonus that people want to buy it! We are thinking that to start with we will try and sell the felted animal and cards, and then perhaps add other things, paintings, maybe the cake service, biscuits etc